As it’s known to us, Nepal has great physical diversity, ranging from the Terai–northern rim of the Gangetic Plain situated at approximately 70 to 300 meters above sea level in the south–to the 8,848 meter high Mount Everest in the north and no direct sea access from any corner at all. Owing to such geographical proximity, Transportation has been coming up as the most costly and crucial task either within Domestic territory or for International market. For international trade, it has no direct road or sea access to any part of the world except India & China. Nepal is almost dependent on India for transit facilities and access to the sea, that is Bay of Bangal, which is around 700 kms away from nearest Nepalese boarder. For Domestic trade, even Road access is inadequate, Particularly Mountainous region, which lies above the altitude of 4,877, has been being a challenging task for transportation. Within such paradoxical situation, cropping even single penny in Transit Cost seems big matter for Nepalese Business Community. Day time dreaming with widely open eyes isn’t bad at all. After all, any success story begins from such dreaming only. Couple of decades back, we had dreamt about Dry port at various Nepalese Boarder, Road access with Bangladesh, well-structured Tatopani- Khasa Custom Check post, Tatopani Dry Port etc. Intellectuals by majority had started doubting about it. Ultimately dreams one by one are turning into fact. However, all projects still need serious measures to bring in full swing. In any case, we can’t ignore the fact that these projects came us as the serious initiation to crop the transit cost of Nepalese Cargo. Tatopani Dry port (Rail/ road accessible to the commercial Cities of China) additional trading rout between China & Nepal( via Kerung up to Rasuwagadi), Upgradation of Biratnagar&Bhairhawa Dry ports, Extention of Railway trek from Dry Port uptoAmlekhganj, well built highways in each & every corner of the country, Tunnel Highway, Bagmati Corridor etcetc, these are the thousands dreams, which have been floating on air from several years. In fact, these dreams may extend revolutionary effect in our International Business. Till now, these dreams have been tagging behind us. From now on, Let’s learn to tag behind these dreams. One decade back, then Prime Minister of India had formally launched an idea to enhance regional cooperation connecting SAARC Countries by road/ rail. Few years back, India once had shown it’s aspiration to use Nepalese Land as in transit point for Indo China business. These days, concept of road/ rail transportation between two countries using transit rout of different country/ countries has been taking place in wide scale. India & Bangladesh already has been working together to facilitate Indian Cargo up to north east states of India via Bangladesh territory. Road access facility of Nepalese Cargo up to Bangladesh via 45 km stripped Indian Territory can be taken as the true & trial exemplary of such regional cooperation. Trading between Nepal & Bhutan too can be put as a example, however, it’s still at marginal lavel. Execution on these ideas would be a milestone to crop the transit cost in remarkable size. In any case, the idea to connect SAARC& adjoining countries by road/ rail shouldn’t remain inside the grave yard of past (away) memories. It’s still viable, let’s bring it’s livelihood back.. Let’s grasp the dreaming is a portraying on a canvas. As we see, the half finished canvas always gives ugly appearance. A mature artist, therefore never gives up his portrayal until he fills the colours on canvas as he was dreaming for. Presently, we have total 15 transit route to access Calcutta seaport, among which Srisiya Dry Port was the first dream project, which was supposed to compensate us for lacking of own Sea Port. But, alas, that dream happens to remain still a half finished canvas, an ugly canvas. It has been experienced that delay in unloading/ de stuffing at Calcutta Dock, in documents clearance, in rail transportation and in handing over of empty containers have been continuously going on as it was couple of decades ago. The document processing obligations are as similar as it were century ago. These lacking are burdening extra transit cost. The story of Biratnagar and Bhairawaha Dry Ports is much miserable. Anyway, there is glimpse of thin silver line as well. We just need to hammer on some pending issues. True recognition of Srisiya Dry port by Global Shipping Authorities, Inclusion of Bilateral/ Multilateral Liquid & Bulk Cargoes, Infrastructural and processing improvisation in Calcutta Sea Port, Railway linkages in Biratnagar&Bhairahawa dry ports etc are the key factor, waiting for our multidimensional efforts . In nut shell, the Dry Port still is a half portrayed canvas, let’s give it final touch up. Nepal suffers from two geographical handicaps: landlocked & mountainous. To the north, the Himalayas constitute a natural and mostly impassable frontier, and beyond them is the border with China. To the south, east and west, Nepal is hemmed in by India. Within orbit of such geographical limitation, in addition to road access with India (from 27 points around) concept of finding road access with China and Bangladesh as well, no doubt is really a awesome dream . As the pride of today, Tatopani- Khasaand Phulbari -Banglabandh boarders are the single gateway, which facilitate us to have road access with China and Bangladesh. However, these are initially portrayed Canvases. There is one more under construction project for China- Nepal road connectivity-Rasuwagadi-Kerung Chinese side is upgrading and expanding the infrastructure as well as railway trek in adjoining and nearby areas and initiating construction of the dry port near Tatopani. SimilarlyPhulbari – Banglabandh boarder too iswaiting for few upgrading, like- establishment of proper infrastructure of Custom Office, Immigration Dept, Weighing Bridge, security post, quarantine and Lab deptetc at the boarder point. Additionally trilateral initiations are in progress to reduce hassles and formal obligations. It sounds great that within various adverse situations, there are huge potentiality in these routs. let’s proceed for further portraying without loosing single second. At last, let’s say again, dare to dream, be continued in dreaming, particularly at day time and with widely open eyes. Since, it’s the first step to our journey. Only day time dreamer tends to move forward. Do Dream……………
Half Finished Canvas- Kyirong / Rasuwa Route.
Few years back, there was a banner news in almost all news media that China has opened its first combined transport service (rail and road) to Kathmandu. In real sense, the news worked like a surprise gift, everyone felt like on heaven. It was the moment of zeal-joy for Nepalese business community as well. Though, there were some question marks, expectations and doubts revolving within mind of business community. Those people who used to proclaim the possibilities of International trade through Rasuwagadhi route as the day time dreaming. Now, they too are declaring their notion that day time dreaming also works.
According to news, the first journey of international freight train had started from Lanzhou to Shigatse (Xigaze). Then entire cargo would be shifted on truck for road journey, which would arrive Kathmandu through Kyirong/Goolong Port. Further journey from Rasuwagadhi to Kathmandu would take place via Syaphrubesi- Trisuli- Galchi. The estimated time of complete transportation is 35 days. It sounds nice. Hope, this route would be viable to transport all types of cargoes from China to Nepal. Hope, this route would be most economic in terms of time and cost.
The enthusiastic comments of some experts got a hype that from now on the monopoly of India for transit route is over. News media are blowing trumpet, as if it’s the great victory against domination of India. Isn’t it extremely early to deliver such kind of comments or perception? Wouldn’t it be better to focus ourselves analyzing it’s strengths as well as weaknesses? We at least should check it’s transit cost, real travelling time, availability of throughout the year service and safety measures of cargo and the people etc. Rather than blowing trumpet only, It would be our wise move, if we would be able to advocate concerned authorities to take some initiative steps in reduction of it’s weaknesses.
Let’s go through some comparison between traditional sea/rail/road route and recently launched rail/road route from China to Nepal. It’s commonly known that mostly business clusters as well as sea ports in China are situated at its southern /eastern part. Both are well harmonious and interlinked with each other. As the result, procedure of domestic transportation to hand over the Cargo at desired sea ports are very comfortable and least expensive. On the contrary, for newly introduced rail/road cargo, the loading port- Lanzhou is situated at Northwestern part of China, far away from existing trading areas. Wouldn’t it be reasonable to be conscious in this point and do some healthy exercises? Additionally, we yet have to check the domestic freight cost (from trading region to Lanzhou) and the service availability of Logistic Companies/ Freight Forwards. It seems proper time to facilitate some joint meetings and B2B talks between concerned logistic companies and stakeholders at local. Furthermore, logistic companies should be invited to bring their official set up in Kathmandu as well.
Nepalese cargo generally gets shipped from China on mother vessels (giant size) for Singapore port and gets unloaded there. Having collection of containers in adequate quantity, it gets reloaded onto next feeder vessels (small size) for Calcutta port. The entire sea journey from China to Calcutta generally takes approx 4650 Nautical miles (8611.8 Kilometers). Other side, rail journey from Lanzhou to Shigatse would take only 2,431 kilometers. A part from these two transit points, further distance from Shigatse to Kyirong/ Rasuwagadhi and from Rasuwagadhi to Kathmandu are around 564 km and 160 km respectively. In this way, the total distance from Shigatse to Kathmandu or Calcutta to Nepalese Boarder is nearly similar.
Recently, The Trade Post (published by The World Bank) has published a analytical report that the basic causes behind dearness in landlocked countries are higher transit cost and poor logistic service. It means transit cost matters the most. At a glance, Lanzhou to Shigatse route seems extremely shorter. However, it’s yet to audit it’s transit cost. It has been seen that 80% of total int’l transportation is dependent on sea route. Since, transportation by ship has been proved as the most cost effective mean in comparison of other kind of means. Let’s hope that the transit cost of new route would be economic than existing sea route.
The trading route of Tatopani- Khasa and Rasuwagadhi- Kyirong aren’t recently discovered routes at all. These routes have been used for centuries. The fort at Rasuwagadhi recalls the memory of war between Nepal and Tibet. During regime of King Mahendra, these two routes had got special consideration for Sino-Nepal trade. Till last year’s earthquake in Nepal, the trade through these routes was occupying around 10% of total import from China and 50% of total export to China. Due to massive damages in these two routes, the trade had come to the halt. Rasuwagadhi- Kyirong route was restarted after 6 months. However, Tatopani- Khasa route is in uncertain status till now. Observing earlier records, experts say, “Rasuwagadhi- Kyirong route definitely would get trading movements, but with very thin density in comparison of total Sino Nepal trade.”
Previously, only road transportation was possible in Khasa-Tatopani and the Rasuwagadhi- Kyirong routes. Those days it was obligatory to load/unload and transship the cargo at some transit points. Additionally, heavy weight and extra length trucks weren’t entitled to move on such treacherous road. As the result, mostly heavy/bulky cargoes were compelled to be transported through sea/rail/road route. Now, 75 % journey of Rasuwagadhi- Kyirong route would be completed on rail. As China Government has assured, rest 25% journey too would be equipped with rail track very soon.
Beside these potentialities, China Government has agreed to construct inland container depot (ICD) at Larcha of Sindhupalchowk and Timure of Rasuwa within due time frame. It means the hassles of loading/unloading and transshipment in some transit point would be eliminated. The cargo, which would start from Lanzhou, would directly arrive at ICD, Timure, Nepal. As the result, the cost of transportation would be slashed down. Additionally, bulky/weight/lengthy cargo too would be transported in this route. However, these potentialities still are on paper only and rely upon the whole hearted execution from both countries.
The ground reality says, “Transportation on this mountainous route, which lies above the altitude of 8856 ft above sea level, would be the most costly and crucial task.” According to Himalaya (the Journal of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies), the route of Rasuwagadhi to KTM is one of the most landslide-prone areas in Nepal. During each monsoon season, it’s very common to experience of the cutting off of the existing road for days and sometimes weeks. Crossing the area at any time is slow and tortuous. Numerous geological reports say, “The area is very close to the Main Central Thrust [MCT] of the Himalaya. This is the weak junction where the Indian plate slid under the Asian plate causing the Indian plate to shatter and crush.
Considering geographical proximity of this route, the movement of cargo in this route throughout the year seems a great challenging task. However, the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transportation, the Nepal Army and Department or Roads have been assigned to widen the Galchi-Trisuli- Mailung-Rasuwagadhi Road to two lanes and black top it within earliest period. Though, it reflects silver line amid black clouds. We shouldn’t ignore presence of black clouds there; otherwise, the country may have to face another disaster in this route. Let’s be technically equipped for this route.
A part from these potentialities as well as geographical proximity in rail/road route, we still have to face further more hassles—red tape and other legal procedures at China – Nepal Boarder. Simplified customs control mechanisms, equipped with latest information & communication technology and client friendly procedures would be the basic condition for the success of this route. We yet have to see the initiation from Nepalese and Chinese Government for the upgradation of their Custom Check post and Immigration process at boarder.
Presently, we have total 15 transit route to access Calcutta seaport, among which Srisiya Dry Port is the busiest entry point. Here also, we have been experiencing extreme delay in unloading/ de stuffing, documents clearance, handing over of empty containers etc. As per existing trading norms in sea cargo, Nepalese Importers are entitled to return empty containers to shipping companies within given time frame. Otherwise, heavy penalty had been imposed. No doubt, these lacking have been burdening us extra transit cost. Despite these lacking, these routes have been serving us for round the year and much convenient for lengthy/ weighty cargo as well.
Previously Kyirong -Rasuwaghadi route was limited to light weight and loose cargo. Therefore, there was no such kind of obligation to return empty container. However, as soon as rail/road route come into full swing, containerized cargo with 40’ length and heavy/bulky commodities too would be unloaded at ICD of Timure, Nepal. And we will have to face extra cost and burden to return empty container within given time frame as it had been happening in Sea/ Rail/ Road route. It would be better to exercise for amicable solution in this regard as well.
Despite all proximity, we shouldn’t give up dreaming. After all, any success story begins with such dreaming only. Let’s grasp the dreaming as a portraying on a canvas. As we see, the half finished canvas always gives ugly appearance. A mature artist, therefore never gives up his portrayal until he/she fills the colours on canvas as he/she was dreaming for. At present, the Lanzhou-Shigatse- KTM route is like a half finished canvas. Presently, It at least would grasp the earlier business transactions of Tatopani- Khasa route. As soon as the Railway linkage between China and Nepal would come into execution, the canvas would be mostly completed. And, of course it would be most beautiful canvas. We would be able to enjoy the optional route for China Nepal trade in real sense.
- Written by Ganesh Prasad Lath
Half Finished Canvas- Kyirong / Rasuwa Route.
Few years back, there was a banner news in almost all news media that China has opened its first combined transport service (rail and road) to Kathmandu. In real sense, the news worked like a surprise gift, everyone felt like on heaven. It was the moment of zeal-joy for Nepalese business community as well. Though, there were some question marks, expectations and doubts revolving within mind of business community. Those people who used to proclaim the possibilities of International trade through Rasuwagadhi route as the day time dreaming. Now, they too are declaring their notion that day time dreaming also works.
According to news, the first journey of international freight train had started from Lanzhou to Shigatse (Xigaze). Then entire cargo would be shifted on truck for road journey, which would arrive Kathmandu through Kyirong/Goolong Port. Further journey from Rasuwagadhi to Kathmandu would take place via Syaphrubesi- Trisuli- Galchi. The estimated time of complete transportation is 35 days. It sounds nice. Hope, this route would be viable to transport all types of cargoes from China to Nepal. Hope, this route would be most economic in terms of time and cost.
The enthusiastic comments of some experts got a hype that from now on the monopoly of India for transit route is over. News media are blowing trumpet, as if it’s the great victory against domination of India. Isn’t it extremely early to deliver such kind of comments or perception? Wouldn’t it be better to focus ourselves analyzing it’s strengths as well as weaknesses? We at least should check it’s transit cost, real travelling time, availability of throughout the year service and safety measures of cargo and the people etc. Rather than blowing trumpet only, It would be our wise move, if we would be able to advocate concerned authorities to take some initiative steps in reduction of it’s weaknesses.
Let’s go through some comparison between traditional sea/rail/road route and recently launched rail/road route from China to Nepal. It’s commonly known that mostly business clusters as well as sea ports in China are situated at its southern /eastern part. Both are well harmonious and interlinked with each other. As the result, procedure of domestic transportation to hand over the Cargo at desired sea ports are very comfortable and least expensive. On the contrary, for newly introduced rail/road cargo, the loading port- Lanzhou is situated at Northwestern part of China, far away from existing trading areas. Wouldn’t it be reasonable to be conscious in this point and do some healthy exercises? Additionally, we yet have to check the domestic freight cost (from trading region to Lanzhou) and the service availability of Logistic Companies/ Freight Forwards. It seems proper time to facilitate some joint meetings and B2B talks between concerned logistic companies and stakeholders at local. Furthermore, logistic companies should be invited to bring their official set up in Kathmandu as well.
Nepalese cargo generally gets shipped from China on mother vessels (giant size) for Singapore port and gets unloaded there. Having collection of containers in adequate quantity, it gets reloaded onto next feeder vessels (small size) for Calcutta port. The entire sea journey from China to Calcutta generally takes approx 4650 Nautical miles (8611.8 Kilometers). Other side, rail journey from Lanzhou to Shigatse would take only 2,431 kilometers. A part from these two transit points, further distance from Shigatse to Kyirong/ Rasuwagadhi and from Rasuwagadhi to Kathmandu are around 564 km and 160 km respectively. In this way, the total distance from Shigatse to Kathmandu or Calcutta to Nepalese Boarder is nearly similar.
Recently, The Trade Post (published by The World Bank) has published a analytical report that the basic causes behind dearness in landlocked countries are higher transit cost and poor logistic service. It means transit cost matters the most. At a glance, Lanzhou to Shigatse route seems extremely shorter. However, it’s yet to audit it’s transit cost. It has been seen that 80% of total int’l transportation is dependent on sea route. Since, transportation by ship has been proved as the most cost effective mean in comparison of other kind of means. Let’s hope that the transit cost of new route would be economic than existing sea route.
The trading route of Tatopani- Khasa and Rasuwagadhi- Kyirong aren’t recently discovered routes at all. These routes have been used for centuries. The fort at Rasuwagadhi recalls the memory of war between Nepal and Tibet. During regime of King Mahendra, these two routes had got special consideration for Sino-Nepal trade. Till last year’s earthquake in Nepal, the trade through these routes was occupying around 10% of total import from China and 50% of total export to China. Due to massive damages in these two routes, the trade had come to the halt. Rasuwagadhi- Kyirong route was restarted after 6 months. However, Tatopani- Khasa route is in uncertain status till now. Observing earlier records, experts say, “Rasuwagadhi- Kyirong route definitely would get trading movements, but with very thin density in comparison of total Sino Nepal trade.”
Previously, only road transportation was possible in Khasa-Tatopani and the Rasuwagadhi- Kyirong routes. Those days it was obligatory to load/unload and transship the cargo at some transit points. Additionally, heavy weight and extra length trucks weren’t entitled to move on such treacherous road. As the result, mostly heavy/bulky cargoes were compelled to be transported through sea/rail/road route. Now, 75 % journey of Rasuwagadhi- Kyirong route would be completed on rail. As China Government has assured, rest 25% journey too would be equipped with rail track very soon.
Beside these potentialities, China Government has agreed to construct inland container depot (ICD) at Larcha of Sindhupalchowk and Timure of Rasuwa within due time frame. It means the hassles of loading/unloading and transshipment in some transit point would be eliminated. The cargo, which would start from Lanzhou, would directly arrive at ICD, Timure, Nepal. As the result, the cost of transportation would be slashed down. Additionally, bulky/weight/lengthy cargo too would be transported in this route. However, these potentialities still are on paper only and rely upon the whole hearted execution from both countries.
The ground reality says, “Transportation on this mountainous route, which lies above the altitude of 8856 ft above sea level, would be the most costly and crucial task.” According to Himalaya (the Journal of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies), the route of Rasuwagadhi to KTM is one of the most landslide-prone areas in Nepal. During each monsoon season, it’s very common to experience of the cutting off of the existing road for days and sometimes weeks. Crossing the area at any time is slow and tortuous. Numerous geological reports say, “The area is very close to the Main Central Thrust [MCT] of the Himalaya. This is the weak junction where the Indian plate slid under the Asian plate causing the Indian plate to shatter and crush.
Considering geographical proximity of this route, the movement of cargo in this route throughout the year seems a great challenging task. However, the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transportation, the Nepal Army and Department or Roads have been assigned to widen the Galchi-Trisuli- Mailung-Rasuwagadhi Road to two lanes and black top it within earliest period. Though, it reflects silver line amid black clouds. We shouldn’t ignore presence of black clouds there; otherwise, the country may have to face another disaster in this route. Let’s be technically equipped for this route.
A part from these potentialities as well as geographical proximity in rail/road route, we still have to face further more hassles—red tape and other legal procedures at China – Nepal Boarder. Simplified customs control mechanisms, equipped with latest information & communication technology and client friendly procedures would be the basic condition for the success of this route. We yet have to see the initiation from Nepalese and Chinese Government for the upgradation of their Custom Check post and Immigration process at boarder.
Presently, we have total 15 transit route to access Calcutta seaport, among which Srisiya Dry Port is the busiest entry point. Here also, we have been experiencing extreme delay in unloading/ de stuffing, documents clearance, handing over of empty containers etc. As per existing trading norms in sea cargo, Nepalese Importers are entitled to return empty containers to shipping companies within given time frame. Otherwise, heavy penalty had been imposed. No doubt, these lacking have been burdening us extra transit cost. Despite these lacking, these routes have been serving us for round the year and much convenient for lengthy/ weighty cargo as well.
Previously Kyirong -Rasuwaghadi route was limited to light weight and loose cargo. Therefore, there was no such kind of obligation to return empty container. However, as soon as rail/road route come into full swing, containerized cargo with 40’ length and heavy/bulky commodities too would be unloaded at ICD of Timure, Nepal. And we will have to face extra cost and burden to return empty container within given time frame as it had been happening in Sea/ Rail/ Road route. It would be better to exercise for amicable solution in this regard as well.
Despite all proximity, we shouldn’t give up dreaming. After all, any success story begins with such dreaming only. Let’s grasp the dreaming as a portraying on a canvas. As we see, the half finished canvas always gives ugly appearance. A mature artist, therefore never gives up his portrayal until he/she fills the colours on canvas as he/she was dreaming for. At present, the Lanzhou-Shigatse- KTM route is like a half finished canvas. Presently, It at least would grasp the earlier business transactions of Tatopani- Khasa route. As soon as the Railway linkage between China and Nepal would come into execution, the canvas would be mostly completed. And, of course it would be most beautiful canvas. We would be able to enjoy the optional route for China Nepal trade in real sense.
Written by: Ganesh Prasad Lath
The Game of Under Invoicing
It’s a story of an Int’l Boarding School in India, which have been having glorious history of 5 decades. More than 2 thousand boys & girls from all over the world have been getting education there. Students proclaim that Study, Sports, Rules & Regulations, everything is intact and perfect there, except one thing. They haven’t been served meal in adequate quantity and quality. Because of such crisis, they have been enforced either to steal Chapatti, Rice, and Vegetable etc from their School Canteen at midnight or they have to buy from outside. Buying from outside even isn’t allowed there. At a first glance, it seems absurd story. As soon as we go in depth of the story, it would be much interesting.
Till two decades back, there wasn’t such kind of meal crisis. Those days, School Canteen Contractor appeared to find various ways to cut his cost and to make more and more savings. As primary saving, contractor used to serve lower quality food for students keeping good quality foods for teachers and administrative team separately. Gradually, the greed to contractor enforced him to increase the quantity of water in vegetables curry and daal etc. Since, school teachers and administrative staffs were satisfied with contractor by various means, they never bother to control such kind of malpractices of him.
Those days, a group of naughty students as a revolt started stealing some foods from Canteen. Quantity was negligible, so school administration felt better and safe to ignore those acts. Such midnight activities as well as contractor’s bill had been increasing day by day. Students, Contractors and Administrator all were happy and satisfied in such kind of silent understanding; however schools’ income – expenditure a/c was badly affected. Nowadays, everyone there has been enjoying those extra privileges. At the same time, everyone there has been playing blame game simultaneously.Above said story seems applicable to the story of Under Invoicing Trend in Nepal as well. Everyone seems enjoying extra privileges of Under Invoice and at the same time, enjoying blame game simultaneously. Till few decades back, there was a special HUKUM (straight forward order) from the apex authority of Shree Panch ko Sarkar to let some particular tribal group of Nation to bring foreign goods from Overseas Market for commercial purpose without paying any kind of Tax. Reason was said that it’s an initiation for social upliftment of deprived people. Gradually, such kind of privilege shifted into rest of Nepalese Traders.
One more example: those days, regional authorities used to call an emergency meeting of big or small smugglers (involved in illegal trade) at the eve of Bijaya Dashami and used to urge supply sugar and other necessary material in adequate quantity to Kathmandu by hook or by crook. Those days, there was an open instruction to security and custom agencies to keep their eyes closed at boarder area for particular Dashai period. Gradually, such trend got expanded for rest of the year as well.
At present, Government Sector as well as Business Sector both seem loudly against Under Invoicing Trend. Both agree that under invoicing means great loss in Revenue as well healthy business atmosphere. Business Sector has been enjoying Under Invoicing, because they believe that they can win price competency in market through this type of mechanism only. Consumers have been ignoring Under Invoicing, because they have learnt that Full Invoicing means extra payment. Government authorities have been fighting against Under Invoicing Trend majorly through Goods’ Re-Valuation during custom clearance. Post Custom Audit, Full Assessment, Deep Investigations too are common tools of Nepalese Government to control Under Invoicing. Despite all kind of efforts, result still is far away from us.
At the eve of declaration of New Budget, we need to expect some smart declaration in this regard. Can we expect VAT tariff in two or three rates? Can we expect Uniform Valuation Method applicable to all over the Custom Offices including Tatopani Custom Office? Can we expect independent department for settlement of tax disputes in FAST TRACK method? Can we expect unbiased Carrot and Stick Policy for Government Department as well as Business Community? The honest move for these expectations might be a landmark to control Under Invoicing Trend in Nepal.
Similarly, there is an authority to each custom office to buy imported goods paying some extra on billing amount. However, such authority has been almost ineffective from day one. Reason no. 1: The sanctioned budget to buy goods at custom check point is very inadequate. Reason no. 2: There is no designated department/ unit to resell purchased goods. Reason no. 3: Government sees such process as the extra burden for self. As soon as Government addresses these three reasons, problem would be solved. The honest move to make such kind of authority much more effective might be a landmark to control Under Invoicing Trend in Nepal.
Mostly people from Business Sector claim that the basic reason behind Under Invoice is unhealthy price competition in market, rather than making extra profit. People don’t hesitate to declare that due to such unhealthy price competition, market is overwhelming with low quality products. Mostly Importers hesitate to declare their company name and Service Mark on their imported products. As the result consumers too seem confused about better quality products and are tagging behind lower priced products only. Government should intervene in such kind of unhealthy price competition.
There should be a mandatory that each imported products should carry the description of Importer Company as well as it’s service mark. Through service mark and name of Importer Company, consumers would be able to determine the quality of particular products imported by particular company. In this way, consumers would be educated to move for those products only, whose importer or service mark are well tried and tested, rather than tagging behind lower price products. An honest move in this direction too, might be a landmark to control Under Invoicing Trend in Nepal.
In nut shell, there should be bridge of trust between administrator and students. The contractor shouldn’t be allowed to come between dialogues of both. Let’s hope for some smart moves from Government.
अद्यौगिक काँरिडोरको कथा ब्यथा
एकताका ब्यवशायिक प्रयोजनको क्रमममा चिनको वुहान प्रान्तमा अवस्थित अद्यौगिक क्षेत्रमा पुग्ने सुअवसर जुटेको थियो । उच्च वर्गिय परिवार बस्ने एउटा सफा सुग्घर एवं ब्यवस्थित काँलोनीको जस्तो आवरण बोकको सो अद्यौगिक क्षेत्रको क्षेत्रफल एक सानो नगर जतिकै थियो । सो स्थानको भौतिक संरचना एवं सुरक्षा ब्यवस्था पनि आफैमा बिशिष्ट थियो । प्रवेश द्वारमा अवस्थित सुरक्षा संयन्त्र, भित्रपट्टी सडकका दुबैतिर एउटै रङ्ग, आकार, एवं आवरण भएका लामबन्द भवनहरु, चारैतिर जडान गरिएका सिसि कैमरा, अति सुगम ढंगले निर्मित सडकको संजालमा मालवाहक गाडीहरुको निवार्ध आवागमनबाट सो क्षेत्रको जीवन्तता प्रतिबिम्बीत हुदै थियो ।
त्यहा अवस्थित अद्यौगिक भवनहरु मुख्यतः दुई भागमा बिभाजित थिए । अघिल्लो भागमा ३ तल्ले पक्की घर थियो भने पछाडिको भागमा टिनका छाना भएका अग्ला गोदामघरहरु थिए । पक्की घर ब्यवस्थापकिय कार्यको लागि अनि पछिल्लो भाग उत्पादन कार्यको निमित छुट्याईको थियो । सो क्षेत्रका उद्योगहरुबाट बिसर्जित अवशेषको अत्याधुनिक ब्यवस्थापन, सर्वसुलभ बिजुली आपुर्ति, अति सहज बैधानिक औपचारिकताहरु, विवादरहित श्रमसम्बन्ध, दुरुस्त शान्ति सुरक्षा ईत्यादि जस्ता किम्बदन्ती लाग्ने यथार्थहरु सुन्न पाउँदा अचम्म नलाग्ने कुरै भएन । खासगरि विसर्जित अवशेषहरुको अत्याधुनिक ब्यवस्थापनले मनलाई छोएको थियो ।
चिनीयाँ अद्यौगिक क्षेत्र एवं नेपाली अद्यौगिक क्षेत्र बिच ठाडो तुलना हुन सक्दैन् । त्यसो गर्नु न्यायसंगत पनि हुँदैन् । नेपालको आप्mनो पृष्टभुमि छ, आफनै खालका अवसर एवं समस्याहरु छन् । नेपालको अद्यौगिक अभियानलाई टेवा पुरयाउने उद्योगहरु देशको हरेक भुभागमा छरिएर रहेका भए पनि औपचारिक रुपमा घोषित अद्यौगिक क्षेत्र थोरै छन् । तथापि नेपाली अद्यौगिक क्षेत्र बारे चर्चापरिचर्चा गर्दा यी क्षेत्रलाई मुलतः घोषित एवं अघोषित गरि कुल दुई भागमा बाडेर चर्चा गरिनु पर्ने हुन्छ ।
(१) घोषित एवं बिधीवत स्थापित अद्यौगिक क्षेत्रः यस्ता अद्यौगिक क्षेत्र काठमाण्डौ, बुटवल, हेटौडा एवं राजबिराज जस्ता केहि सीमित क्षेत्रहरुमा नेपाल सरकारद्वारा आप्mनै अग्रसरतामा एक तोकिएको क्षेत्रफलभित्र, भौतिक संरचना, अन्य बिबिध सुबिधा एवं संरक्षणसहित योजनाबद्धरुपमा स्थापित भएर संचालित छन् ।
२) अघोषित एवं स्वस्फ्रुत रुपमा स्थापित अद्यौगिक क्षेत्रः यस्ता अद्यौगिक क्षेत्र बीरगंज, बिराटनगर, नारायणगढ एवं रुपन्देही ईत्यादि जस्ता काँरिडोरमा निजी क्षेत्रको रोजाईमा परी स्वस्फ्रुत रुपमा स्थापित भएर संचालित छन् । यस्ता अद्यौगिक काँरिडोरलाई नेपाल सरकारले अद्यौगिक क्षेत्र भनेर बैधानिक रुपमा सम्बोधन समेत गर्न नसकेकोले ब्यवशायीहरुले यस्ता अद्यौगिक क्षेत्रलाई टुहरो अद्यौगिक बस्ती समेत भन्ने गरेका छन् ।
टुहुरो भनिएको अद्यौगिक बस्ती बारें चर्चापरिचर्चा गर्ने हो भने नेपालको अद्यौगिक मेरुदण्डको रुपमा चर्चित मोरङ्ग सुनसरी अद्यौगिक काँरिडोर एवं पर्सा बारा अद्यौगिक काँरिडोरलाई समावेश नगरि सुखै छैन । बिगतको कालखण्डमा एक दुईवटा उद्योगको बिजारोपणबाट स्थापित यी अद्यौगिक काँरिडोरमा सनैः सनैः उद्योगहरु थपिँदै जाँदा आज बिशाल अद्यौगिक काँरिडोरमा रुपान्तरित भएका छन् । नेपालको बिडम्बना भनौ, नेपाल सरकारको बिशेष संरक्षण प्राप्त अद्यौगिक क्षेत्रहरुको तुलनामा खासै कुनै संरक्षण अथवा सुविधा नपाएका यी टुहरा अद्यौगिक काँरिडोरले राष्ट्रको राजस्व एवं रोजगारमा नेतृत्वकारी भुमिका निर्वाह गर्दै आएका छन् । एक्लो पर्सा बारा काँरिडोरबाट अधिराज्यभरिको कुल राजस्वको झण्डै ४० प्रतिशत राजस्व संकलन हुने गरेको अनुमान गरिन्छ । तर बिस्तारै परिस्थिती जोखिमपुर्ण हँुदै गएको छ । यी अद्यौगिक काँरीडोरमा स्थानिय बासिन्दा र उद्योगबीच दिनका दिन भिडन्त हुन थालेको छ । सरकारले अझै ध्यान नपुरयाएको खण्डमा यी अद्यौगिक काँरीडोरहरु भग्नावशेषमा परिवर्तित हुन बेर लाग्ने छैन् ।
बिगतको कालखण्डमा उद्योगहरु स्थापित हुंदा छेउ छाँउमा कुनै घर घडेरी अथवा खासै मानव बस्ती थिएन । बिस्तारै समयक्रममसँगै मानव बस्तीहरु थपिंदै गयो । नेपाल सरकारले पनि ती क्षेत्रलाई नगरपालिका भनेर न्वारन गर्नमा बेर लगाएन । अब ती उद्योगहरmबाट श्रृजित ध्वनी तथा वातावरण प्रदुषणलगायत उद्योगहरुबाट बिसर्जित अवशेषहरु स्थानिय बासिन्दा एवं सम्बन्धित उद्योगका लागि खानु न ओकल्नु भएका छन् । भोलि भोपाल गैस काण्डजस्तै यस क्षेत्रमा पनि कुनै त्रासदी घटित भयो भने के होला भने त्रास पनि स्थानिय वासिन्दाको मन उब्जिन थालेको छ । यिनै कुराहरmलाई लिएर स्थानिय वासिन्दा एवं उद्योगहरुबीच हुने दिनहुको झडप बिस्तारै हिंसक स्वरुप लिन थालेको छ । यस सम्बन्धमा सरकारले बेलैमा चेत पुरयाई असल अभिभावकको भुमिका निर्वाह गरेन भने स्थिति झनै भयावह हुदै जाने देखिन्छ । यस सम्बन्धमा समस्या समाधानको निमित्त एक अधिकारप्राप्त आयोगको गठन अविलम्ब गरि हाल्नु पर्ने देखिन्छ । सो आयोगले परिस्थितीको सुक्ष्म अध्ययन गरी एक समाधानको बाटोतिर अग्रसर भइहाल्नु पर्ने देखिन्छ ।
सरकारी उदासिनताको कारणले देशभरिका अद्यौगिक काँरीडोरहरुका मानव बस्तीमा एवं मानव बस्ती अद्यौगिक बस्तीको बडो अप्ठ्यारो ढंगले अन्तर्घुलित हुँदै गएका छन् र यो प्रव्रिmया अझै जारी नै छ । कि त सरकारले सो मानव बस्तीको रmपमा छुट्याइएका भुभागलाई अद्यौगिक प्रयोजनमा प्रयोग गर्ने अनुमती नदिए हुन्थ्यो र पुर्णरुपेण मानवबस्ती बिकशित गर्ने योजना ल्याए पनि हुन्थ्यो । अथवा भनौं, अद्यौगिक बस्तीलाई नै प्रार्थमिकता दिने मनशाय रहेको थियो भने पनि त्यो क्षेत्रलाई पुर्णरुपेण अद्यौगिक क्षेत्र बिकशित गर्ने योजना ल्याए भइहाल्थ्यो नि । कथंकदाचित सरकारले यस्ता काँरीडोरमा सञ्चालित उद्योगहरmलाई कतै बिस्थापन गर्ने सोच बनाएको छ भने पनि त्यसको कुनै कार्यविधी त ल्याए पनि हुन्थ्यो । कम्तीमा सय बर्षसम्म कुनै विवाद बखेडा खडा नहुने खालको भूभाग छनौट गरी नयाँ अद्यौगिक क्षेत्रको सञ्चालनमा ल्याए पनि हुन्थ्यो । तर सरकारले यति साहस पनि किन जुटाउन सकेको छैन, अचम्भ लाग्छ ।
खैर, उद्योगहरm जता जुन क्षेत्रमा संचालित भए पनि निःसंदेह अद्यौगिक अवशेषहरुको उचित ब्यवस्थापन भएन भने सो अवशेषले प्रदुषणको स्वरुप धारण गर्ने छ, जुन कि कुनै पनि अवस्थामा कसैको निमित पनि स्वीकार्य हुन सक्दैन, हुनु पनि हुदैन । यी अवशेषहरु ठोस स्वरुपमा भएर अथवा नभए पनि, कि त पानीमा मिश्रित भएर प्रदुषण बढएका हुन्छन् कि भुमिमा मिश्रीत भएर कि वायुमा मिश्रीत भएर । यी अवशेषहरुलाई उद्योग परिसरभित्र नै नियन्त्रीत गरेर सो को उचित ब्यवस्थापन गरे बेस हुन्थ्यो भन्ने जनभावना आफनो ठाउमा कायम हुन सक्दछ । तर यसलाई सत प्रतिशत ब्यवहारमा उतार्न एक्लो उद्योगको हैसियतमा सम्भव छैन् भन्ने कटु यथार्थ सबैले बुझी राख्नु पनि त्यति कै जरुरी छ ।
बर्तमानको परिपेक्षमा ठोस स्वरुप भएका अवशेषहरुलाई बिभिन्न सार्वजनिक स्थानहरुमा थुप्रार्ने, सुक्ष्म स्वरुप भएका अवशेषलाई वायुमा मिसाउने, तरल स्वरुप भएका अवशेषलाई नजिकको खोला अथवा खाल्टोमा मिसाउने चलन हव्वातै बढेको छ । यो चलनलाई दुई वटा कारणले राम्रो मान्न सकिन्दैन् । प्रथम कारण त सोबाट हुने प्रदुषण नै हो, दोश्रो कारण बिशुद्ध रुपमा ब्यवशायिक पनि हो , अर्थात सम्भावना हुँदाहँुदै अवशेषहरुको पुन प्रयोग वा पुनःबिक्री हुन नसक्नु हो । यी दुबै कारणको निमित सम्बन्धित उद्योगमाथि दोषारोपण गरेर मात्र निकाश सम्भव छैन । प्रत्येक अद्यौगिक क्षेत्रमा ठोस एवं तरल अवशेषलाई बिसर्जन गर्ने अत्याधुनिक स्थल (म्गmउष्लन क्ष्तभ )को बिधीवत निर्माण हुनु पर्दछ । ठोस अवशेष ढुवानी गर्न बिशेष खालको ढुवानी साधनको ब्यवस्था हुनु पर्दछ । तरल अवशेषलाई बिसर्जन स्थलसम्म पुरयाउन बिशेष नाला ( ऋबलब)िको संजाल ओछयाउनु पर्ने हुन्छ । त्यसै गरि बिसर्जन स्थलमा अवशेषहरुको पुनः प्रयोग अथवा पुनः बिक्री गर्न सकिने गरी बैज्ञानिक प्रबिधीको स्थापना हुनु पर्दछ । यस्ता सद्प्रयासबाट “फोहरबाट मोहर” भन्ने भनाईको चरितार्थ समेत हुनेछ । यस सम्बन्धमा सरकारले अभिभावकको भुमिका निर्वाह गर्दै सरकारी, सार्वजनिक तथा निजी लगानीको अवधारणा अनुरुप थुप्रै साकारात्मक योजनालाई लागु गर्न गराउन सक्नु पर्दछ ।
प्रदुषण नियन्त्रण अभियान अन्तर्गत सरकारले सम्बन्धित उद्योगहरुलाई साकारात्मक सन्देश प्राप्त हुने गरि केहि थप पैकेजको घोषण गर्न सक्नु पर्दछ । सो पैकेज अन्तर्गत कुनै उद्योगले प्रदुषण नियन्त्रण गर्न कुनै सयन्त्रमा लगानी गर्दछ भने सो लगानीमा सरकारले भंसार आदिमा छुट प्रदान गर्न सक्दछ, सस्तो ब्याज दरमा कर्जा उपलब्ध गराउन सक्दछ, १०० प्रतिशत लगानी नसकेका उद्योगलाई नगद प्रोत्साहन (ऋबकज क्ष्लअभलतष्खभ ) प्रदान गर्न सक्दछ । यावत सद्प्रयासहरुबाट सरकारले यहाका अद्यौगिक क्षेत्रलाई प्रदुषण नियन्त्रीत बनाउनुको साथ साथै नवजिवन प्रदान गर्न सक्दछ । यस सम्बन्धमा सरकारले पहिला पनि केही सुबिधाहरm प्रदान नगरेको पनि होइन । ती सुबिधाहरmलाई अझै ब्यापक बनाउनु पर्ने देखिन्छ ।
अन्तमा, अब उपरान्त प्रदुषण नियन्त्रणको निहुमा कुनै पनि उद्योगको नियमित उत्पादनमा बाधा पुग्दा, अथवा त्यो क्षेत्रको शान्ती सुब्यवस्थामा खलल पुग्दछ अथवा सिङ्गो उद्योग नै बन्द हुने अवस्थामा पुग्दछ भने त्यो राष्ट्रको अद्यौगिक बिकाशको निमित नराम्रो हुनेछ तथा सोबाट सम्पुर्ण सरकार, उद्यमी एवं नेपाली जनताकै कमी कमजोरी प्रतिबिम्बीत हुनेछ । साथसाथै उद्योगहरm पनि उतिकै जिम्मेवार हुनु पर्ने देखिन्छ । कुनै पनि उद्योगको लापरवाहीका कारण कसैको ज्यानमाल अथवा स्वास्थमा संकट आउँदछ भने त्यो पनि एक किसिमको पाप नै हो । त्यस्ता पापबाट सक्दो जोगिनु नै श्रेयस्कर हुनेछ । अस्तु ।
प्रस्तुतकर्ताः गणेश प्रसाद लाठ, अध्यक्ष, नेपाल उद्योग बाणिज्य महासंघ, मधेश प्रदेश
हुण्डीको कारोवार
आजभन्दा मोटामोटी चार दसकअगाडिको कुरो हुनु पर्ने हिन्दी सिनेमा, कालीचरणको एउटा डायलग “आज के जमाने में बेइमानी ही ऐसा धन्दा रह गया है जो पुरी इमान्दारी के साथ किया जाता है ।” ले बच्चाबुढा सबैको जिब्रोमा खुबै ठाँउ पाएको थियो । उतिबेला एक जना सहायक अञ्चालिध थिए । अलि हँसिलो मिजाजका धनी थिए उनी । बेलाबखत कुनै बेथितीउपर कटाक्ष गर्नु परेमा उनी यही डायलग दोहरयाइहाल्थे, तर अलि संशोधनका साथ, “आजको जमानामा इमान्दारी मात्र यस्तो काम बाँकि रैछ, जो पूरापुरा बेइमानीका साथ गर्नु परेको छ ।”
उनको उक्त डायलग उतिबेला कति सान्दर्भिक थियौ याद भएन, तर आज उनको त्यही भनाई सान्दर्भिक भएको छ । प्रसङ्ग झिक्न चाहन्छु, नेपाली नागरिकको गोजीमा भारतीय नगद रुपैया को अबैध उपस्थिति । कुनै बेला नेपाली बजारमा भारतीय रुपैया फालाफाल हुन्थे । तपाईहामी, कसैलाई भारततिर जानु परेमा जति रुपैया चाहिन्थ्यो, खुल्ला बजारमा होस् अथवा बैंकमा सजिलै पाइन्थ्यो । यसले अबैध निकासीपैठारीमा मलजल गर्यो भन्दै बिस्तारै नेपाल सरकारले भारतीय रुपैयाको खुल्ला लेनदेनमा कडाई गर्दै लग्यो । परिणामस्वरुप नेपाली बजारमा भारतीय रुपैया दुर्लभ हुँदै गयो ।
कसैलाई जाँबो दुईचार हजार रुपैया पनि चाहिएको छ, भने घन्टौंसम्म बैंकको ढोकामा आप्mनो पालो कुर्नु पर्ने बाध्यात्मक श्रृंखला सुरु भयो । कसैलाई सोभन्दा बढि रकम चाहिएको छ भने फलानो प्रयोजनको लागि चाहिएको छ भनेर सबुतप्रमाणसहित नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकको स्थानिय कार्यालयमा निवेदन चढाउनु पर्ने भयो । कसैलाई पठनपाठनको निमित्त जानु छ भने विद्यार्थी पहिचान पत्र तथा सम्बन्धित शिक्षण संस्थानको कागजात हेराउनु पर्ने भयो । आवतजावतको रेलवे टिकटसित बिन्ती पत्र चढाउने परम्परा पनि सुरु भयो ।
नेपाली जनता पनि के कम । सम्बन्धित बैंक अधिकारीकौ विश्वास जित्न कोहीकोही त भारततिर तिर्थाटनमा जानु छ झन्दै तिर्थयात्रीको वस्त्र धारण गरेर नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकको ढोका धाउन थाले । कतिपय मान्छे त बैबाहिक प्रयोजनको लागि भारततिर जानु छ भन्दै विवाह कार्डसहित बैंकमा पुग्न थाले । कोही चिकित्साको निमित्त जानु छ भन्दै चिकित्सकको कागजातसहित धाउन थाल्यो ।
यति बिध्न मिहिनेत गर्दा सबै निवदेकले मागेजति भारु सटहीको अनुमति पाउने नै छन् भनेर कुनै ग्यारेन्टी भएन । कसैले दसपन्द्रह हजार रुपैयाको सटही गर्ने अनुमति पायो भने उसको लागि त चिठ्ठा नै पर्यो । अन्यथा…बडे बेआबरु होकर निकले तेरे कुचे से हम..गित गाए पनि हुने भयो । फलस्वरुप फष्ट्याउन थाल्यो, भारतीय रुपैयाको खरिदविव्रुी बजार । नेपाली सिमाना क्षेत्रमा अलि गुपचुप पारामा । तर भारतीय सिमाना क्षेत्रमा त पानपसल जस्तै नेरुभारु सटही काउन्टरहरु खुल्लेआम सुरु भए । तोकिएको सटही दरभन्दा झण्डै पाँचदेखि दस प्रतिशत बढि दरमा । आम नागरिकको लागि ‘मरता क्या नहीं करता’ सरह भयो । जे भए पनि भारततिर जानु छ भारुको जोहो त गर्नु पर्ने नै भयो ।
यस सम्बन्धमा नेपाल सरकारको आप्mनै तर्क छ, “कसैलाई भारततिर जानुछ भनै डेबिड अथवा व्रुेडिट कार्ड बौकेर जाओस् । कुनै पनि भारतीय ब्यवशायिक अथवा शैक्षिक अथवा स्वास्थ संस्थालाई भुक्तानी पठाउनु छ भनै बैङ्किक च्यानलको प्रयोग गरोस्, सबैलाई नगद दिएर पठाउनु सम्भव छैन ।” नेपाल सरकारले दिएको बैकल्पिक बाटो खासखास प्रयोजनको लागि उपयुक्त पनि छ । तर खासखास प्रयोजनबाहेकको कामको लागि त नगद रुपैया बोकेर हिड्नु बाहेकको बिकल्प अझै भेटिएको छैन । के गरोस् जनता ? नियत जति सुकै सफा भए पनि भारुको लागि कालोबजारीको ढोकामा पुग्नु पर्ने नै भयो ।
भारतीय सामग्रीकौ अबैध कारोबारलाई नेपालमा बिराम लगाउने हो भने भारतीय रुपैयामा खुल्ला लेनदेनमा अंकुश लाउनै पर्छ ।
खुल्ला रुपमा बाड्दै जाने हो भने पुग्नेहरु समेत कोही आमनागरिक भारतीय रुपैया माग्न पुग्दा उनीहरु पनि अनकनाउन थाले, रुपैयाको बदलामा रुपैया होइन रगत पनि
‘खास गरी पाँच सय र दुई हजारका नोट’
अचेल समाचार पत्रहरुमा हुण्डीको चर्चा ब्यापक रुपमा चुलिएको देखिन्छ । के हो हुण्डी ? हुण्डी अनौपचारिक बित्तीय कारोबारमा प्रचलित रकम स्थानान्तरण गर्ने गराउने एक किसिमको प्रणाली हो । मध्यकालीन भारतमा यसको विकाश भएको थियो । उतिखेर बैंक अथवा बित्तिय संस्थाहरुको खासै उपस्थिती थिएन । अर्थात, तिनताक कुनै स्थापित बित्तिय संस्थाको चेक अथवा ड्राप्mट चलनचल्तीमा आएकै थिएन । कुनै एक ठाँउको कारोबारीले आर्को ठाँउको कारोबारीलाई नगद भुक्तान गर्नु पर्दा ठूलै सास्ती भोग्नु पथ्र्यो । नगद दिएर पठाइयो भने बाटोमा डाँकाहरुबाट लुटिने जोखिम हुन्थ्यो । पठाइएन भने कारोबार कसरी गर्नु भनेर उतिखेरका कारोबारीहरुलाई ठूलै सकस भएको थियो ।
भन्नेले ठीकै भनेका छन्, आवश्यक्ता नै आविष्कारको जननी हो । तात्कालिन साहुमहाजनहरुले हुण्डीको जुक्ति निकाले । अर्थात उनीहरु नगद रकम पठाउनुको ठाँउमा एक समान्य निस्सा पठाउन थाले । सो निस्सामा लेखिएबमोजिमको भुक्तानी स्थानीय स्तरमै उपलब्ध गराउन उनीहरुले तत्काल उपलब्ध ब्यशायिक सञ्जालको भरपुर उपयोग गरे । पछिपछि सो निस्साको प्रयोग ग्यारेन्टी पेपरजस्तै हुन थाल्यो, सोको कर्जा लेनदेनमा पनि सुरु भयो । बिस्तारै हुण्डीको सञ्जाल नेपाललगायत भारतवरिपरिका देशहरुमा समेत फैलिँदै गयो । कालान्तरमा बित्तिय कानुन बन्यो, बित्तिय संस्थाहरुको आगमन भयो । रकम लेनदेन, स्थानान्तरण आदिजस्ता बित्तिय गतिबिधी बिस्तारबिस्तार बित्तिय संस्थाहरुको अधिनमा हस्तान्तरित हुँदै गयो ।
बिस्तारबिस्तार हुण्डीको आडमा गैरकानुनी लेनदेन फष्ट्याउन थाल्यो । राजस्व छली गर्नेहरुको निमित्त सुगम मार्ग हुण्डी हुँदै गयो । हुँदाहुँदै आतंककारी गतिबिधी, लागुपदार्थ, हातहतियार तथा जाली रुपैयाको कारोबारमा समेत हुण्डीको प्रयोग बढ्यो । अनौपचारिक क्षेत्रका पैसा हुण्डीकै माध्यमबाट एक देशबाट आर्को देशमा पुग्न थाले । हुण्डीको कारोबार वित्तिय संस्थाहरुको समानान्तरमा चल्न थाल्यो । राष्ट्रको कानुन ब्यवस्थामै ठूलो चुनौती बन्दै गयो । बाध्य भएर राज्यले हुण्डी कारोबारलाई अबैध घोषित गर्यो । हुण्डी कारोबारमा संलग्न ऐजेण्ट एवं लेनदेनकर्ताउपर कानुनी कार्यवाही गर्ने कानुन ल्याइयो ।
नेपालमा विदेशी विनिमय अपचलन, सम्पती सुद्धिकरण एवं राजस्व चुहावट ऐन आदि अन्तर्गत हुण्डीको कारोबारी एवं कारोबारमा संलग्न ब्यक्तिलाई कार्यवाही गरिँदै आइएको छ । भारतमा समेत फेरा कानुन अन्तर्गत त्यस्ता कारोबारीउपर कानुन कार्यवाही गरिँदै आइएको छ । अन्य देशहरुमा समेत यस्तै कानुनमार्फत हुण्डी कारोबारउपर अंकुश लगाइएको छ । तथापि हुण्डीको कारोबारलाई जरैदेखि उखेल्न सकिएको छैन । बरु सद्दे काम गर्ने ब्यवशायी, सर्वसाधारण जनता एवं वैदेशिक रोजगारमा गएका कामदार पनि हुण्डीको सञ्जाल प्रयोग गर्न बाध्य भएका छन् । किन आउँछ यस्तो बाध्यात्मक अवस्था ? लौ, यसै बिषयमा एक पटक निम्नलिखित तर्कको शुक्ष्म विश्लेषण गरौ ।
क) बिलबिजक मुल्य र सन्दर्भ मुल्यबीचको द्वन्द्वः ब्यवशायीहरु मालसमान आयात गर्दा लागत मुल्य कमसे कम होस्, बजारमा बढीसे बढी प्रतिस्पद्र्धा गर्न सकियोस् भन्ने मनसाय राखेर अनेकन जुक्ति निकाली राखेका हुन्छन् । ती जुक्तिमध्ये एक जुक्ति न्युन बिजकीकरण पनि हो । न्युन बिजकीकरणको प्रत्युत्तरमा भंसार विभागद्वारा सन्दर्भ मुल्य पुस्तिका जारी गरियो । अचेल बिललबिजकमा प्रस्तुत गरिएको मुल्यभन्दा सन्दर्भ मुल्य पुस्तिकामा देखाइएको मुल्य बढि छ भने सन्दर्भ मुल्य पुस्तिकाकै मुल्यलाई आधार मानी भंसार, भ्याट तथा अन्य कर असुलउपर गर्ने गरिन्छ । त्यति मात्र होइन बिलबिजक मुल्य र सन्दर्भ मुल्यबीचको फरक रकममा दण्डस्वरुप तोकिएको भंसार दरमा पचास प्रतिशत अतिरिक्त भंसार थप गरि असुलउपर गरिन्छ । यस्तो अभ्यासमा निजी क्षेत्र र नेपाल सरकारबीच लामो समयदेखि जुहारी चल्दै आएको छ । दुबै पक्षका आआप्mनै अडान छन् ।
नेपालमा आयात हुने सतप्रतिशत मालसमानमा न्युन बिजकीकरण नै गरिन्छ भन्ने धारणा नेपाल सरकारले पनि राखेको छैन । तर कुन मालसमानमा न्युन बिजकीकरण गरिएको छ, कुनमा गरिएको छैन भन्ने कुरोको सत्यापन गर्ने, गराउने भरपर्दो तकनिक नेपाल सरकारसँग पनि हुन सकेन । अन्य कुनै जुक्ति थाहा नपाएर नेपाल सरकारले सजिलो बाटो रोज्यो । सन्दर्भ मुल्य पुस्तिकालाई नै आधार मानी दण्डजरिवानासहितको भंसार तथा मुअकर असुलउपर गर्ने निति अख्तियार गर्यो । यस्तो नितिले न्युन बिजकीकरणलाई एक हदसम्म हतोत्साहित त गर्यो । साथसाथै एक नयाँ विकृतीलाई समेत निम्त्यायो– अत्यधिक बिजकीकरण ।
नेपाल सरकारद्वारा तैयार गरिएको सन्दर्भ मुल्य पुस्तिकामा कतिपय मालसमानका मुल्य यथार्थपरक हुन सकेनन् । परिणामस्वरुप आयातकर्ताहरुको बिलबिजक मुल्य यथार्थपरक हुँदाहुँदै पनि सन्दर्भ मुल्यको तुलना सार्है न्युन देखिन थाल्यो । सम्बन्धित भंसार नाकामा त्यस्ता मालबस्तुको सन्दर्भ मुल्यलाई नै आधार मानी भंसार, मुअकर र अतिरिक्त भंसार असुलउपर गरिँदा आयातकर्ताहरुलाई ठूलै नोक्सान बेहोर्नु पर्यो । पछिपछि मार्कामा परेका ब्यवशायीहरु सन्दर्भ मुल्यलाई ध्यानमा राख्दै आयातीत मालसमानको बिललबिजक मुल्य घोषणा गर्न थाले । यसलाई अत्यधिक बिजकीकरणको संज्ञा दिइयो ।
अत्यधिक बिजकीकरण गरिँदा सम्बन्धित आयातकर्ताले नचाहेर पनि अतिरिक्त भुक्तानी पठाउनु पर्ने बाध्यात्मक स्थितिको श्रृजना भयो । यसरी देशबाहिर पठाइएको रकमलाई पूनः फिर्ता ल्याउन आयातकर्ताहरु हुण्डीको माध्यम प्रयोग गर्न बाध्य भए । यस बिषयमा निजि क्षेत्रले जतिसुकै हारगुहार गरे पनि नेपाल सरकार कुनै जोखिम मोल्न चाहेन । परिणामस्वरुप नेपालमा न्युन बिजकीकरण गर्न पल्केकाहरु र अत्यधिक बिजकीकरण गर्न बाध्य भएकाहरुबीच हुण्डीको सम्बन्ध कायम भयो । एक पक्षले हुण्डीको माध्यमले देशबाहिर रकम पठाउने काम गर्यो । आर्को पक्षले हुण्डीकै माध्यमले आप्mनो पैसो फिर्ता ल्याउने काम गर्यो । अनि हुण्डीको काम किन न फष्ट्याउनु ?
नेपाल सरकारले आँट गरेम यस समस्याको निराकरण सजिलै गर्न सकिन्थ्यो जस्तो लाग्छ । आयातित मालसमाजको बिजक मुल्य प्रति गोटा घोषणा गरिएको भए पनि भंसार कर प्रति किलोको आधारमा असुलउपर गर्ने निति अख्तियार गर्न सकियो थुप्रै थरिका टन्टा समाप्त हुने छन् । मार्बल, गे्रनाइटजस्ता थुप्रै सामग्रीहरु यस्ता प्रयासका केही सफल उदाहरण पनि छन् । त्यस्ता सामानमा न्युन बिजकीकरण गरिराख्नु पर्ने कुनै आधार नै बाँकि रहेन । हो, यो पनि सत्य हो कि सबै थरिका सामानमा तौलको आधारमा भंसार असुलउपर गर्न सकिँदैन । तथापि पचास प्रतिशतमा आयातित मालसमान अवश्य लागु गर्न सकिन्छ ।
जुन समानमा तौलको आधारमा भंसार असुलउपर गर्नु ब्यवहारिक रुपमा सम्भव छैन, त्यस्ता सामानमा सन्दर्भ मुल्यलाई नै आधार बनाई भंसार असुलउपर गर्न सकिन्छ । तर त्यस्ता मालसमानमा दण्डजरिवानास्वरुप अतिरिक्त भंसार लगाउने परम्परा खारेज गरिनु पर्दछ ।
यस्तो गर्न सकियो भने “नेपाल सरकारले तोके बमोजिमकै सन्दर्भ मुल्यमा भंसार र भ्याट तिर्नु पर्या छ । अनाहकमा न्युन बिजकीकरण अथवा अत्यधिक बिजकीकरण किन गर्नु पर्यो अथवा हुण्डीका ऐजेन्टलाई कमिशन दिएर अनाहकमा थप ब्यय भार किन बोक्नु पर्यो ?” भनेर आयातकर्ताको मानसिकता बन्दै जान्छ । साथसाथै नेपाल सरकारको राजस्व असुलीमा समेत मार पर्दैन ।
ख) नेपालीको पैसो विदेशबाट आउँदाः नेपाल राष्ट बैंकको पछिल्लो अध्ययन अनुसार नेपाल भित्रिने कुल रेमिटान्सको रकममध्ये तिस प्रतिशत रकम हुण्डीको माध्यमले भित्रिने गरेका छन् । अनौपचारिक क्षेत्रको अनुमानउपर विश्वास गर्ने हो भने हुण्डीमार्फत भित्रिने त्यस्ता रकम तिस प्रतिशत होइन, पचास प्रतिशत हुन् क्यारे । दक्षिण कोरियाबाट आउने रकममध्ये नब्बे प्रतिशत रकम त हुण्डी मार्फत नै आउछन् रे । यस्ता रकमलाई कानुनसम्मत बित्तिय माध्यमबाट भित्र्याउनु नेपाल सरकारको लागि ठूलै टाउको दुखाइ भएको छ ।
हुण्डीमार्फत रकम पठाउँदा कमिशन आदि जोगिने, काम सजिलै फतेह हुने, कहिलकाँही झनै चलनचल्तीको दरमा केही रकम थपिएर भुक्तानी पाइने भएको हुनाले बैदेशिक रोजगारमा गएकाहरुले हुण्डीमा आकर्षित हुन थालेका छन् । “साथै आप्mनो आम्दानी नेपाल सरकारको निगरानीमा आयो भने कुन्नि के हुने हो ? कुनै झंझटमा परिने हो कि ? नेपाल सरकारले यस्ता आम्दानीउपर थप कर माग्ने हो कि ?” यावत आशंकाबस पनि थुप्रै वैदेशिक रोजगारमा गएकाहरु हुण्डीकै माध्यमलाई सुरक्षीत मान्न थालेका छन् ।
यस्ता हुण्डीमार्फत आवतजावत पैसालाई असल हकवालाले थाहा नै नपाउने गरि अनेकन अबांछित तत्वले चलाउन पाएका हुन्छन् । “हुण्डीमार्फत रकम पठाउँदा÷मगाउँदा कथंकदाचित कुनै अंतराष्ट्रिय अपराधीको गिरोहसित आप्mनो नाम पनि मुछियो भने के हुने हो ?” भन्ने कुरोको निर्दोष कामदार र उसको परिवारलाई हेक्का भएको पनि हुँदैन ।
यस मामिलामा नेपाल सरकारले सचेतना कार्यव्रुम चलाउन सक्दछ । नेपाल सरकारले पहल गरी बित्तिय संस्था आदिको सेवा शुल्कमा अझै सहुलियत गराउन सक्दछ । स्थानान्तरण बिधी अझै छिटो, सजिलो एवं सुगम गर्न नयाँ निति ल्याउन सक्दछ । बैदेशिक रोजगारमा गएकाहरुलाई सुशिक्षित गराउने काममा आप्mनै देशका कुटनैतिक निकायको सदुपयोग गर्न सक्दछ । तिनीहरुलाई बैध बाटोबाट रकम पठाउन प्रोत्साहित गर्ने मनसायले बिशेष पैकेज अथवा राहतको घोषणा गर्न सक्दछ ।
ग) नेपालीको पैसो विदेशिँदा ः विदेश प्रवासमा रहेका हजारौ नेपालीका घर, जेथाजमिन बर्षौपिच्छे विव्रुी भइराखेका हुन्छन् । र, विव्रुीवापत उठेको रकम हुण्डीमार्फत नै विदेशिने गरेको हुन्छन् । सरोकारवाला नेपाली प्रवासीले सो रकम सहजै प्राप्त गरेका पनि हुन्छन् । ठीक यसै प्रकार नेपालका थुप्रै उद्योगपति–ब्यापारीले नेपालबाहिर ब्यापार–ब्यवशायमा लगानी गरेका छन् । उनीहरुले समेत हुण्डीकै माध्यमबाट आप्mनो पूँजि बाहिर पठाएका हुन्छन् । यस मामिलामा सबै थोक थाहा भएर पनि नेपाल सरकार टुलुटुल हेरेर बस्ने बाहेक केही गर्न सकेको छैन ।
कारण स्पष्ट छ, यस मामिलामा नेपालको कानुन अधुरोअपुरो छ । नेपाली नागरिकले आप्mनो धनसम्पति देशबाहिर लैजान पाउने हालसम्म नेपालमा कुनै कानुन नै बनेको छैन । अर्थात सरोकारवाला नेपालीले चाहेर पनि आप्mनो रकम स्वीकृति प्राप्त बित्तिय सुत्रबाट देशबाहिर पठाउन सकेको छैन । अर्थात ऊ हुण्डीकै माध्यम प्रयोग गर्न बाध्य छ । यस मामिलामा समेत नेपाल सरकारले प्रगतिशिल सोच राखेर यथासम्भव सिघ्र नयाँ कानुन ल्याउनु पर्दछ । अन्यथा देशको पूँजि अबैधानिक रुपमा पलायन भइराख्ने छ । र, सरकारको त्यसउपर कुनै किसिमको निगरानी अथवा नियन्त्रण पनि सम्भव हुने छैन ।
घ) औषधोपचार, तिर्थाटन, पठनपाठन, घुमफिर र खरिददारीः
कुनै पनि नेपाली नागरिक विदेशतिर जाँदा निजलाई तोकिएको रकमभन्दा बढि विदेशी मुद्रा उपलब्ध गराउन सकिन्न । औषधोपचार, पठनपाठनजस्तो विशेष परिस्थितिमा नेपाल सरकारले केही हदसम्म केही लचकता देखाए पनि अन्य प्रकृतिको खर्चमा सरकारको नियन्त्रण कडा नै रहँदै आएको छ । विशेष गरि भारततिर जानु पर्दा डेबिट÷क्रेडिट कार्ड आदिको माध्यमबाट खर्चिन सुझाव दिइन्छ । तर ब्यवहारमा त्यस्तो गर्न सम्भव भएको हुदैन । त्यस्ता कार्डको पनि आप्mनो ब्यय सीमा हुन्छ । अनेकन ठाँउमा त्यस्ता कार्डहरु काम नै गरेका हुँदैनन् । अनेकन प्रयोजनमा त्यस्ता कार्ड स्वीकार्य नै हुदैनन् । यस्तो परिस्थितिमा विशेषगरि भारततिर हिड्न लागेका नेपाली यात्रु हुण्डीको माध्यम प्रयोग गर्न बाध्य भएका हुन्छन् ।
ङ) आफुसँगै बोक्न मिल्ने रुपैयामा कानुनको छेकबारः हालसालै विभिन्न समाचार पत्रमार्फत सर्वसाधारणले थाहा पाए कि कुनै पनि नेपाली नागरिकले रु. ५००० भन्दा बढि नगद रुपैया बोकेर नेपालकै भूमिमा घुम्छ भने नयाँ आर्थिक नियमानुसार सो पैसो जफत गरेर कानुनी कार्यवाही गर्न सकिन्छ । । हुनत्, नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकका अनुसार यो नियम विदेश जान लाग्दा अथवा विदेशबाट आउन लाग्दा मात्र यो लागु हुनेछ । तर साथसाथै यो पनि भनिएको छ कि भंसार वरिपरिको पाँच किलोमिटर क्षेत्रमा तोकिएको भन्दा बढि रकम कोही नेपालले बोकेको भेटाउछ भने यो नियम लागु हुनेछ ।
मनन गरौ, सिँगो बीरगंज महानगर पालिका नै बीरगंज भंसार वरिपरिको पाँच किलोमिटर क्षेत्रभित्र पर्छ । यस अर्थमा बीरगंजका नागरिक आफुसँग रु. ५००० भन्दा बढि रुपैया बोकेर घुम्न नपाउने भए । यही अवस्था प्रत्येक सिमाना क्षेत्रमा हुने नै भयो । यही नियमको आधारमा बाटोभरिका सुरक्षाकर्मी यात्रुहरुको खानतलाशी गरेर तोकिएको हदभन्दा बढि रुपैया आप्mनो नियन्त्रणमा लिन पाउने भए । अब भनौ, यस्तो अवस्थामा सर्वसाधारणलाई हुण्डीको माध्यम समाउनु बाहेक अन्य सुगम मार्ग के नै हुन सक्छ र ?
जवाफमा सरकारले भन्न सक्छ, “बैंकको सहयोग लिनोस्, नगद नै किन बोक्नु पर्यो ।” तर त्यसो गर्न केही हदसम्म त सम्भव छ । तर सतप्रतिशत चाँहि सम्भव छैन । उदाहरणको लागि बारा जिल्लाको सदरमुकाम कलैयामा घटेको एक घटनालाई लिऔ । गाडीको ठक्कर लागेर एक बटुवा मृत्यु भयो । गाडी र चालक, दुबैलाई प्रहरीले नियन्त्रणमा लियो । मृतकका परिवारवालाले क्षतिपूर्तिमा पाउने रुपैया बैंकको चेक अथवा ड्राप्mट लिन मानेनन् । प्रशासनका अधिकारी समेतले जति सम्झाउँदा, फकाउँदा पनि ज्यान गए मानेनन् । अनि गाडी धनीले बाध्य भएर रु. ५००,००० नगद नै बोकेर जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालय पुग्नु पर्यो ।
त्यसैगरि कुनै पनि ब्यक्ति बिरामी भएर अस्पतालमा भर्ना हुँदा उसका आफन्तले रु.५००० को हदसिमाको वास्ता गर्दैन । उसले सक्दो बढीसे बढी नगद अस्पताल पुग्नु परेको हुन्छ । कुन प्रयोजनमा कति रुपैया खर्च हुने हो, उसलाई कुनै हेक्का नै हुदैन । अस्पतालको हाताभित्र सबै थरिको खर्चमा बैंक कार्डको प्रयोग सम्भव पनि हुँदैन । यस्ता हजारौ ब्यवहारिक समस्यामा नागरिक अस्तब्यस्त हुन्छन्, यिनले सरकारको कानुन बुझेका हुदैनन्, अथवा बुझेर पनि लाचार भएका हुन्छन् । यस्तालाई रु. ५००० को नगदसिमाभित्र घेर्ने प्रयास गरियो भने यिनीहरु हुण्डी माध्यमको सरणमा जान बाध्य हुुने छन् । यस मामिलामा सरकारले हेक्का राख्दै आर्थिक नियममा संशोधन गर्नु पर्ने जरुरी भएको छ ।
उपर्युक्त तर्कहरु हुण्डी प्रणालीलाई मलजल गर्ने मनसायले अगाडि सारिएका होइनन् । बरु उद्योगपति, ब्यापारी र सर्वसाधारणको ब्यवहारिक बाध्यताका केस्रा केस्रा केलाउन सारिएका हुन् । अबउपरान्त तर्जुमा गरिने कानुन, नियम अथवा संशोधनमा यस्ता बाध्यात्मक अवस्थाको सम्बोधन होस् भनेर अपेक्षा गरिएको छ ।
गणेशप्रसाद लाठ, कार्यसमिति सदस्य तथा मधेश प्रदेश अध्यक्ष, नेपाल उद्योग बाणिज्य महासंघ
अनुराधा भवन

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Kshamadaan – Ganesh Prasad Lath | Thuprai
Anuradha Bhavan

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